Press Release

Joint DSCSA solution with Systech available to customers across pharma supply chain

We are excited to announce that Spherity has formalized and deepened our existing partnership with Systech further. Together we are taking credentialing from a period of thorough testing to enabling commercial usage in pharmaceutical supply chain transactions by our customers.

Systech successfully took part in the HDA-facilitated Verification Router Service (VRS) interoperability testing this summer. This collaborative exercise included other major VRS providers to ensure that their services are compatible with each other. This means that Systech’s VRS customers can easily exchange product verification messages with trading partners that use other VRS providers.

Our trusty credentialing service, CARO, operates under the hood of Systech’s service to enable instant DSCSA-compliant electronic identification and authorization of trading partners at every step of a product verification.

Both companies stay committed to OCI’s framework in support of open standards shared across the pharmaceutical supply chain. This empowers an open market for the benefit of all service providers and service users.

It is crucial that DSCSA-driven developments include the entire supply chain from manufacturer to dispenser. Thus, we are delighted to see Systech’s recent announcement of their new offering specifically for pharmacies and other dispensers.